Friday 10 November 2017


When Iain Anderson featured me as songwriter of the week on his BBC Scotland Radio Show in August this year it went to my head And it stayed there And while it was there I told him he had got me believing I was a song writer

Iain Anderson
I have explained this before It's not that I don't know that I write songs but thinking of myself as a song writer is something 'other'

Something other could have been the title of this post

Anyway, while it lasted, I was what he said I was That could also have been the title for this post i.e I was what he said I was

However, this morning on waking early with a need to write these words (and yesterday having sent him one of my latest songs) I realised that what had gone to my head seemed to have gone elsewhere

Where it is I have no idea and although I had enjoyed it being there - very much - I now intend to enjoy what I was before it went there i.e someone who, along with what else I am and do - writes songs

The link to the Iain Anderson Show is

The link to the song I sent to the Iain Anderson Show is

PS The laid back vocal in the sent song is rather quaky but the track does benefit greatly from the delicate arrangement by John Saich and Mags Russell of Wild Biscuit Music And it would be good if what the track lacks does not get in the way of what it also offers The song was written and recorded by me sometime around a stay on the Island of Tiree in the summer of 2017