Friday, 30 June 2017


With THE UNKNOWABLE NEXT released - albeit in a limited way - it can now be thought about in ways that were impossible during the making of it But as I have prepared a few copies to send out - initially uncertain how to describe the album- I eventually chose to say that it consisted of some of the words which had been accumulated in the process of writing songs

With that over (and I am glad that it is) I think what follows here is something a bit different On arriving on the Island of Tiree and after seeing the rock formation below I wrote two small paragraphs which survived the duration of my stay there and they were added to each time I saw and photographed the figure below This changed in amazing ways and I think that is reflected in the words I wrote

Those words also lasted and today I recorded them as a spoken word track 
Although it is small it has been mastered and is now on Bandcamp at 

Its importance for me is in having combined the initial two paragraphs and the added words and in having done something which is unrelated to what I have been doing recently - and i like that 

About the rocks on Tiree: I have taken the following text from

The rocks found on the Isle of Tiree are part of the Lewisian metamorphic suite also found on the Western Isles, Coll, Tiree, Iona, Islay and a mainland Scotland coastal strip extending from Cape Wrath to Kyle of Lochalsh. These rocks up to 3000 million years old, are the oldest found in the British Isles and among the oldest on the planet. These Lewisian gneisses were formed at a depth in the earth's crust of many kilometers under great temperature and pressure. They began as granites, sediments and volcanic rocks but billions of years of 'baking' and deformations during numerous crustal mountain building events, have changed the appearance and mineral content of the rocks almost completely