Sunday 19 April 2015


I am uncertain why recent songs have touched on the subject of mothers. There was DANCE ON and MOTHERLESS (CHILD) and then, several days ago I revisited the CD entitled HELLO SINGING BIRD. This consists of a selection of 12 songs. And in the first track of the selection, with the same title as the CD, there is a reference to 'a loaf of Mothers pride'. 

And it has been suggested to me that no one who did not live in Glasgow (or was it Scotland) in the 1970's or 1980's would understand it.

So today, while making another attempt to get the song remastered, I searched for any information on Mother's Pride. And to my delight I found that bread bearing the same name was still being sold by both Sainsbury's and Aldi's. 

I also found pictures of the loaf (the one above is as it used to look) and it is being copied without permisssion

BUT to top it all I found a video on You Tube of DUSTY SPRINGFIELD in an advert for the bread. The link is below. And what a delight it was to watch. I hope others will enjoy it as much as I have.

And now some background to the decision to get further work done on the song - although I have requested that as little as possible is done to get it to the best it can be.

The original recording was on cassette tape and probably on a very ordinary cassette recorder. Perhaps reflecting the quality of the tape and the recording my first attempt, several years ago, to get it professionally improved was unsuccessful. In later years I made several further attempts but these were equally unsatisfactory. 

However I did remain keen to get a good version if it was at all possible. And later today or tomorrow I will know if trying again has been worth the effort.

A track list of the songs on the CD, HELLO SINGING BIRD, is on my web site at