Friday, 17 April 2015


The song THE WATER IS DEEP has been rearranged and the strings which were present on the verse beginning 'oh love is handsome', are now also on the second verse. It was thought that having them earlier in the track would let the listener know that they would be arriving on the scene later. We (the arranger and others) think it has improved the overall experience of listening to the song. 

This rearranged version will replace the previous one on Bandcamp. The link is

As indicated on that site this is the third version of the song. 
The first was an acoustic only recording.
The second version was influenced by a man in the business who thought the first version was - as he described it - minimal. He suggested that it needed some strings. And that they should come in gently (and not too elaborately) on the verse which begins ' 'oh love is handsome'. That was done

The third version was also influenced by a listener. We hope they, and anyone who chooses to listen to the new arrangement will be pleased with it.