Tuesday, 19 May 2015


Four blues influenced songs featuring Fraser Spiers have been uploaded to Bandcamp over recent months as separate tracks. But there is a fifth (also featuring Fraser) which until now has been left out. It is a version of I'VE WAITED A LONG TIME. Those familiar with the CD MORE LIKE A RIVER THAN A ROAD will know it as the opening track on that selection. They will also be aware that the arrangement was by John Saich and Mags Russell of WILD BISCUIT MUSIC www.wildbiscuit.com.

Today I intend to put the five songs together and call the selection very simply -as the title of this post indicates - A FEW BLUES. From a relatively superficial search this title has not been extensively used before - if at all.

Once they are all together in a oner I will probably remove them as singles from the Bandcamp site

Also as four different images have been used for the single tracks I will need to choose one only. And at the time of writing I have no idea which one it will be. I hope I get one later.

Later. Ideas were not required. The words of the opening track I LOOKED ALRIGHT THIS MORNING belong in Glasgow and I am choosing to use a photograph of a street on which I frequently walked. The link to A FEW BLUES is https://sheilakcameron.bandcamp.com/album/a-few-blues