Monday, 25 December 2017


Several times each year I discover that some of my songs have been used for Keep Fit classes and Karaoke performances As yet I have no idea how this happens or what if anything I might have done to  help bring it about but I can say, based on the facts from PRS for Music, that the track which has recently topped the list has been Go On Then (Convince Me) 

And, in the process of sorting out which songs are on YouTube as lyric videos and considering which  one I might upload next, I chose this one
It can be found at

The rather low key image benefits (for me anyway) from belonging to a photograph of English Bay Vancouver And more so because neither the boat nor the head of the swimmer in the water were observed at the time the photograph was taken Perhaps it also offsets some of the seriousness of the song

The words ‘out there somewhere’ which have been used in the title of the post - are from a line in the song

PS Unfortunately I had mistakenly opened up a new YouTube account for the song about the sea but once I had recovered from my foolishness I decided to make it my main account from now on  What to do about the previous account at Eepsylyrics ( is under non urgent consideration