Tuesday, 29 March 2016


Here he is Newly devised Inclined to be expensive Often unavailable Capable of making a big difference  Almost always desirable

The idea of a MASTER DUBS arrived unsolicited one morning and it got attached to a clay figure I had made many years ago And he provided some fresh impetus to the never ending task (so it seems) of sorting the unsorted material

He changed the focus to two main categories of songs; those which were candidates for mastering and those which had been previously mastered - and which would benefit from some overdubbing And with those categories in place a third one appeared; songs which I might re-record. Three new folders were then created: FOR MASTERING, FOR DUBS and FOR RE-RECORDING

PS It was also good to discover that there once was a locomotive works in Glasgow Scotland called Dübs & Co. The link is below https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%BCbs_and_Company