Thursday, 12 May 2016


Having completed the posts about the released material I can now think about what I might do next And for starters I want to listen to some of the songs that I like by singers that I love, whilst not yet giving up on the tidying up

So for starters I plan to 
1. reduce the number of blogs I have - and either bring any posts worth keeping over to this one or revise their content
2. make a list of the books that are in print (along with the few that are available as ebooks)
3. create a post that lists and provides links to all the WILD BISCUIT MUSIC tracks 

And the first post to be brought on board (which lets me do some tidying and listen to songs I love) is one which was initially entitled NEIL ON THE LOOSE This had on it a link to Neil Young performing Four Strong Winds in the company of friends There was also a copy of the lyrics for anyone who might wish to sing along But here and now I intend to include only the link to the performance
Four Strong Winds was written by Ian Tyson a Canadian singer-songwriter

And for anyone who has not experienced Neil Young performing rough and ready with Crazy Horse the following link will take you to a track you might enjoy

And below is a further link to his superb Harvest Moon

The second stray is the lyric THE SAP and OLD FAITHFUL It belongs with the various unsuccessful attempts I made to be rid of feeling like a Sap and it can be located on LYRICS OF A SORT at

The third item - this time from the SAP ASIDES blog - is no more than the title NOT WANTED - END OF STORY This was used for words which were on their way to becoming a lyric They have been copied into a folder on my computer waiting to be worked on

Which leaves only one more stray to bring over A long time ago now - or so it seems - I fell for the title UNSAPPED BY CARESSES And it is being kept because I like it so much and because it belongs with that old desire to be 'unsapped' It was found initially in the following quote 

'They seemed to be two upright vestal sisters, unsapped by caresses, unbroke in upon by tender salutations'.

And if a further reason is required: today, when checking out the phrase on Google, the only reference I could find was to the SAP ASIDES blog- and this has renewed my interest 

The SAP ASIDES blog has however now been emptied and if it is to have a role, it will be a different one from now on

PS The above quote is from the book A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy: In Two Volumes By Laurence Sterne One of numerous links follows